The Joy Of Salvation

As many of you remember, my blind ram, (BB), struggled, to find his way before he was “saved by the bell” that I put on Dottie’s neck. Initially, he didn’t understand the significance of the “bell of salvation”, so he continued walking without direction, struggling to safely navigate his way in the world. BB’s whole world changed when he realized what his salvation (ie: the bell), really meant. Once he learned to follow, his life took on new meaning. How wonderful it must have been for him to realize that he could navigate through the darkness with confidence, knowing that the one that he followed would lead him on the right path.

Can’t we all identify with BB? Before we were saved, were we not blind to the joy and freedom that we could only know as a followers of Christ? Even as Christians, like BB, we are still walking in a world of darkness, but as long as we follow Him, the Lord will show us the way.

Proverbs 3:6

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

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