Cancer Survivor or Thriver?

As I posted my profile picture on FaceBook for breast cancer awareness month, I made the statement that I am “not just surviving, I’m thriving”. Having been on this cancer journey for seven years now, I understand that this statement could be interpreted a few different ways, so I thought that I would clarify my interpretation of this statement. According to Siri, a survivor is someone who manages to keep going in difficult circumstances. I can say with assurance, that this includes every person who is diagnosed with cancer. One definition of the word thrive means to flourish, or to grow. To flourish…. here is where things can get a little complicated. We often associate “flourishing”, or “growing ” with physical health and vitality, but our physical health is only 1/3 of our human equation. We each have three components that make us complete. The three components are:

Mind. Body. Spirit.

A diagnosis of cancer means that our bodies are not healthy, but does a cancer diagnosis necessarily mean that our minds are not healthy? What about our spiritual health? Can we be mentally and spiritually healthy when our bodies are not?


In fact, we can learn to “take our thoughts captive”, and focus on what is good, and positive in our lives. Studies have shown that not only do our thoughts affect our general sense of wellbeing, but they can actually affect our physical health as well.

Now for the spirit part of the equation….we must not forget our spiritual wellbeing. We should learn to invest in our eternal future by continuing to grow (even flourish) spiritually in difficult times. Our faith is a vital part of who we are as individuals, and the importance of our spiritual health cannot be overstated.

If we work on these two aspects of our life, (our mind and our spirit), we can still be 2/3 healthy even though our physical bodies may struggling. So when I say I am “thriving”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I am always 100% pain-free, or that I am free of any physical ailments. It means that I chose to renew my mind, and not dwell on negativity. It also means that I can continue to grow spiritually by strengthening my relationship with Jesus Christ, regardless of my physical health. No matter where you are in your cancer journey, protect your mind by controlling your thoughts, and use your downtime to work on your spiritual health. Get to know Jesus more intimately. He will walk with you on your journey, and you will never be alone. Philippians 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

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