Protection In The Storm

This past week our farm experienced the remnants of a tropical storm. In less than two days, we received 6 inches of rain, high winds, and flash flooding. During a break between downpours, I ran out to open the gate, so my three weanling lambs could graze a little before the next deluge of rain began.

When the wind and rain began to fall again, these little sheep didn’t run back to their dry shelter and their hay. These little ones acted as if  there was not a cloud in the sky, and they kept right on grazing. 

Gabe had been lying in the barn while the lambs were safe inside their enclosure, but as they ventured out into the storm, he did too. As the rain started, Gabe watched intently from a distance.  As the wind began to pick up, he walked a little closer, keeping a concerned eye on the trio, but when the rain began coming down sideways, and the water started to flood the area near his charges, he waked over and laid down with them.  The lambs seemed oblivious to the fact that their faithful guardian was even there, but he never let them out of his site.

As I watched from the window, I thought about how these little, defenseless lambs have nothing to fear, because they are “covered” by a watchful guardian. No matter what storm is raging, or how close they are to being swept away,  they have nothing to fear, as Gabe would surely pull them to safety if they faltered.  Shouldn’t we as Christians be as comfortable in our storms, as these little lambs are in theirs? After all, our Shepherd  has told us that he is always with us, and that He will never leave us or forsake us.

So as the skies darken, and the wind picks up, fear not, because our Shepherd is close by, surrounding us with a hedge of protection.  We cannot avoid the storms of life, but we can “keep calm, and keep grazing”!

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