The Penalty of Pride

This goat almost died when she became trapped under a fence after she made a series of bad decisions. Like we all do sometimes, she messed up. Just as God gives us second (and third, and fourth) chances, she got a second chance as well.
Just like us, initially she was humble, thankful, and repentant…..until she felt good again. Unfortunately, just like us, once the pain improved, her pride kicked in. She couldn’t wait to return to her old life, so rather than staying where God put her (for her own good), she took matters into her own hands (hooves 🙂 and she escaped before she had sufficient time to heal.
So guess what? Now Ms. Goatie is right back in the pen, only now she is suffering consequences for her bad decisions, yet again. Now, she is receiving painful shots due to an unresolved, and now complicated eye infection.
Don’t we act just like this goat most of the
time? God saves us from a situation, and we are thankful initially, but as time goes on, we “feel better”, and the next thing you know, we are right back where we were, (or worse off).
As much as I hate to see her hurting and paying for her bad choices, I can’t imagine how it pains God to see us fall right back in to our sinful (painful) ways?
So today, before we make any decisions, we should ask ourselves:
Is this what God wants, or is this what I want?
Take it from this goat! Stay in God’s will! If not you will find yourself in yet another painful situation
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