Blessings of Blindness

John 8:12 (KJV) Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

As I navigated through the thick mud, nine sheep followed in my footsteps. They had never been in the cow pasture before  but I noticed there was a long strip of  lush grass along the fence line. This would be a real treat in the middle of January, but the tricky part would be crossing the ditch full of water to access the unseasonably lush green grass. This would not be a problem for most of the sheep, but it would be a different story for BB. He was born almost completely blind, so jumping over a water obstacle was not an option for him.

Lottie and Dottie, the twins that I bottle raised are good followers, until they aren’t. Once they they gain confidence, they will strike out on their own  with little regard for their shepherd’s voice until they find themselves in a scary situation. But not BB!  He always listens intently for my voice, following closely behind, understanding that because of his blindness he must rely on his shepherd to guide him safely through the twists and turns of  everyday life. What a blessing it would be if we could be more like BB! How much better off would we be if we fully relied on our Shepherd to guide our every step?

As expected, the others jumped the ditch and began eating as soon as they saw the grass.  As I looked at sweet BB, I realized that he had no idea what a wonderful blessing was in store for him. He stuck close to me, and never faltered when the water touched his feet, knowing that I would never lead him into a dangerous situation. Once safely on the bank, he began waging his tail in excitement, as he eagerly began eating the unexpected treat .  I smiled and stroked his head, realizing how much joy it brings to a shepherd when their sheep are blessed for their trust and obedience.

Oh how I pray that my Shepherd feels the same way about me!

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