A Mother’s Instincts

“What is the world is that fuss all about?” I thought as I was walked towards the high pitched squawking  noise. “Little Girl! Leave that bird alone!” It looked like something out of a cartoon as I watched this tenacious little bird literally pecking the nose of the curiously, obnoxious sheep.  “Wow….this little bird is BOLD!” I thought, but as I approached I could see why she was standing her ground so fiercely. She was standing over a nest of four eggs, and one of the tiny hatchlings was making it’s way out of it’s shell. “No wonder you are upset little mama”, I said as I shooed Little Girl away so that both the baby bird, it’s mother, could have some peace and quiet.

But there was no rest for the weary, and just as the second hatchling began to emerge from the shell, several grazing sheep began to encroach on the little nest. The frantic mother Killdeer knew she could not fend off all of the sheep, so she ran away from the nest and began flopping around, as if she were injured, trying to draw attention to herself, knowing that she could be injured or killed, but willing to accept that fate rather than risk the lives of her offspring.

Oh the responsibilities of motherhood! As I watched this little mama bird literally trying to keep an entire group of animals 100 times larger tha herself, away from her babies,  I thought about how many of us often feel as overwhelmed as this little bird likely does. How many times do we unrealistically think that we can fix everybody’s everything.…may I add from personal experience, even if they don’t want to be fixed?

As Christians, putting the needs of others ahead of our own is nothing out of the ordinary, but we need to ensure that we are praying about our situations and not just moving forward in our own flesh.  We need to remember that “we can do all things through Christ”, not through ourselves.  Our strength must come from the Lord, or we will crumble under the heavy weight of the burdens that we carry for others. Satan can (and will), use guilt or regret against us., and unfortunately these feelings can often lead to  anxiety and depression. Before we realize it, Satan has achieved his goal to rob us of our joy, to damage our relationships, and to question our walk with the Lord.

I am so thankful that just as this mother bird protects her young by covering them with her wings, that our Father covers us as well.

Psalm 91: (NKJV)

 He shall cover you with His feathers,

And under His wings you shall take refuge;

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Thank you Lord for reminding us through this little bird that just as you have equipped her with the ability to mother her young, you have also equipped us with the Holy Spirit who will lead, guide and direct us if we will allow Him to.


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