Ordering Our Steps

When we go to the river, it’s an adventure. We drive our Gators, and sometimes need the 4-wheel drive depending on the conditions and where we go. It’s definitely not like driving over the bridge in town. It’s a mile back in the woods, and in most places, there is a little hiking to do once you park to actually get down to the water.
Today the water level was really low so I was able to walk out onto rocks that are usually underwater. It was a fairly steep drop off, and as I stepped on the damp rocks, I slipped and fell. Thankfully, I had on my field boots, and I just slid down on my butt. I did however hit my left elbow on a rock, (and no…. hitting your “funny bone” is not funny)!
An elbow contusion is not a big deal for most people, but for a breast cancer survivor, an injury on the “cancer side” (where lymph nodes were removed), can potentially cause an often irreversible condition called lymphedema (a chronic swelling of the arm secondary to abnormal lymphatic flow).
“Well Gracie, I guess we gotta go”, I said as I tried to look at my elbow. I couldn’t see it but I could tell by feeling it that it was already swelling a little. Initially, after my surgery, I was on top of having a compression sleeve for emergencies with me at all times, but of course, we get complacent in time, and needless to say, I didn’t have it with me today.
“Man, I need an ice pack” I thought as I hiked back up the steep embankment to get to the Gator.
As I topped the hill I was a little winded, but I was still able to (literally) laugh out loud as I saw the small cooler bag that had my sheep vaccines in it. I had totally forgotten about it, but in the bag was an ice pack. Now this may not seem like a big deal to you, but it’s right up there with turning the water into wine in my mind. Seriously. I mean, I said “I need an ice pack” and God said, “OK. Here’s an ice pack”!
How often we forget that God supplies our needs before we even know what they are! I thought I was just keeping my vaccines cool, but God ordered my steps knowing that I would need the icepack myself long after the vaccines had been given.
So take joy! Sit back and rest in the shade on the riverbank. Enjoy the cool breeze. Listen to the birds singing, because God will be handling your problems today (and every day).
Philippians 4:19
(New King James Version)
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
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