All Things For Good

My new ram, who I may name Super Man, can apparently leap fences in a single bound. Much to my dismay, I found him in the pasture with my young teenagers who I had separated for obvious reasons . My husband was off hauling livestock, and the ram is new to me,(and huge, with horns I may add), so getting him caught and moved was not an option.  

With some feed, and some luck, I was able to catch all but two of the seven girls. I quickly headed to get the trailer, wondering how I would ever get the last two in the pen.  I loaded the five teens in the first section of the trailer and poured some feed in another catch pen, doubting that I would ever catch the last  two outlaws.  I could not believe my eyes when my little tan sheep walked right into the pen.

“Thank you Lord!” Miracles do still happen I thought as I waited for the last one to follow her friend into the pen. And…..she did not. In fact, she took off running as soon she realized what was going on.

“Six out of seven isn’t bad by myself”, I thought as I loaded the little tan girl and pulled forward, feeling pretty accomplished. It was hot, and I needed to get these girls (and myself) to some shade, so I jumped off the Gator to drop the pin in to secure the trailer gate. Then, to my horror,  I noticed that the sliding door of the trailer had slid open enough for the little tan girl to jump out. Now for those of you who don’t work with livestock, let me tell you. A skittish animal who you miraculously catch, who then escapes, is a lost cause. Forget it. 

God, BUT WHY THOUGH! I was frustrated because it was  my fault for not securing the gate, but all I could think was this is a perfect example how it sure doesn’t seem like “everything works together for good for those that love God”.

The pity party was in full effect, when out of the blue, the wildest of the two rogues, walked up to the back of the still open trailer. I was speechless as I watched her jump right up into the trailer to be with her five friends. I shut the door (and secured it), and within five minutes had tan girl caught and loaded for the second time!

I felt guilty as I recalled my thoughts when things went wrong. How quickly I wanted to doubt that God had a plan that was so much better than mine. So rather than get discouraged when situations do not turn out as we would like for them to, we should remember what Paul told us in the book of Romans:

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