God’s Provision

Last week, a little chocolate calf (with a white spot on her head), lost her mother unexpectedly.  She is old enough to make it without milk, but orphan calves miss the attention and comfort that only mamas can provide. Typically they search and bellow (pretty continuously) for their mothers for several days, before they resolve to the fact that their mama is gone.

The next morning, I dreaded to step out of the house, as I expected to hear “Little Dot” bellowing, but to my surprise, it was quiet. “Quiet may not be good,” I thought as I headed out to see where she was. Thankfully, I found her lying with her little friend happily chewing cud. Pleasantly puzzled, I walked away wondering how this baby was adjusting so well.

That evening my husband said, “you know the little orphan?” My heart sank. “Yes. What about her?” “You are never going to believe it. The mama to the calf that she stays with all of the time, is letting her nurse”.

Thank you Lord! How amazing is it that the God of the universe has His eye on the sparrow (or the calf in this case), and that He provides comfort to His creations. These are the verses that came to mind.

And delivers them out of all their troubles.  The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as[have a contrite spirit.

I don’t know if He did it for her, or if He did it for me, but providing a surrogate mother (which is very rare) to comfort this orphan has blessed both of us! So friends, if you need comfort, peace, or healing today, earnestly call out to Him, just as this desperate little calf did. Never underestimate the love that He has for us!


calf, orphan calf, orphan
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1 thought on “God’s Provision”

  1. Am so pleased that God provides for all His creations. When a nurse cow steps up and accepts another’s calf, which is rare indeed, I think God is saying, “It’s okay little calf, I’ll take care of you.” How a mama cow will go against their very nature to allow a calf that is not there’s to nurse always baffles me. Especially when they have a calf of their own on the ground. It’s a reminder of what God’s love looks like. Enjoyed the post and the lesson Ms. April.

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