Gone But Not Forgotten

Every night I count twenty-one chickens. Sixteen go back to the coop to roost, and five that roost on the trusses in the barn. Four days ago I counted (and recounted) only twenty chickens. ” I have no idea what happened to one of our hens, but she’s gone”, I told my husband. “No telling. Chickens are like people, sometimes they just die.” “OK well, thank you for those comforting words” I thought as I had to smile. Spoken like a true farmer.
In true farmlife fashion, there is always some animal with some issue that needs treating, or at best monitoring. “Easy buddy” I said to my gelding as ran my hand down his back. “Let me take a look under here”, I said as I bent over to check the underside of his belly.
Tap, tap, tap…. “What is that noise?” Tap, tap, tap, it sound like Morse Code, I thought as I stood up. A quick search of the barn revealed nothing. Tap, tap, tap…. I walked over to the half wall that divided the stable from the chicken pen and looked down into the crevice, and there she was.
The hen! It’s the hen! My excitement turned to concern as I realized she had been four days without food or water. I got a syringe out of my medicine box, filled it with water and stuck it between the cracks in the boards of the wall. I had to fill it up twice because she was so thirsty! I dropped some feed down to her as we decided the safest way to get her out.
As we pulled her up with a net, I wondered what, (if anything), she thought about while she was stuck. Did she feel hopeless? Did she feel alone? Did she feel abandoned? My heart sank as I thought about how many people feel this way, especially during the holidays.
If for some reason you feel forgotten, alone, or hopeless, know that God sees you! He loves you! Just as I was at the right place at the right time, God can use people, (and/or His Holy Spirit) to minister to us in times of need. If you are in a tough spot right now reach out to others….reach out to God. He will never leave or forsake you.
Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right ha
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