Sheltered With the Shepherd

The impressive storm rolled in fast. This was the first significant weather event that the sheep had weathered in the new pasture, so I decided to brave the thunder, lightening, and sideways rain, to drive over to check on them. I expected to find them safely tucked away under one of the shelters, but to my surprise all of them were hunkered down under a tree. Sheep are very tolerant of storms, but the loud thunder and sharp lightening had them visibly uncomfortable and nervous. With each clap of thunder or sharp bolt of lightning, the drenched little lambs scrunched tighter and tighter against their mothers.

Storms will always be a part of life, so as their shepherd, I sat and watched to see how they would respond to this uncomfortable situation. As the water began to pool around the flock, those that had been lying down were now forced to stand, and this group of mamas and babies were becoming an island, surrounded by water. Of course, they would survive if I did nothing, but, out of compassion, I stepped out into the storm to show them the way to safety.

As soon as they heard my voice they ran to me, not knowing what I would do, but taking comfort in the fact that the shepherd was now with them in the storm. As we approached the scary, cave-like tobacco bulk barn, the sheep, leary to enter on their own, confidently followed me in. As they shook the rain off of their saturated fleeces, they looked visibly relieved to be sheltered with their shepherd.

As we endure the trials of life, I pray that we remember that our Shepherd is standing in the storm with us. We should listen for His voice, and be ready to follow Him, wherever He takes us. He may not remove our adverse circumstances, but He will offer us comfort and shelter as the storms of life rage.

Psalm 91:2 (NKJV)
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”

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