Pants On The Ground!

There are very few things that would cause a 50 year old, Christian woman to drop her pants to the ground in the middle of a pasture, but let me just tell you…..there are reasons that this would happen….

There are also very few things that would make a 50 year old, Christian woman say some very ” choice words”, while she was pulling down her pants in the middle of a pasture…….

Two words should come to the mind of any Southerner who spends any amount of time outdoors.


Fire ants are the actual spawn of Satan, of this I am sure.

I just hope my baby lambs are not scarred for life by the site of a middle aged woman, sporting the “Covid 19”, dropping her pants and swearing incoherently, all while hopping around with a 5 gallon sheetrock mud bucket half full of feed in her hand. Add to that adult sheep, fighting to get said feed, while the 50 year old middle aged (supposedly Christian) woman is trying to wipe Satan’s spawn off of her legs, while having her pants act as hobbles around her ankles. All of this is happening, AND said woman is trying to keep the sheep from knocking her to the ground in their never ending quest for food.

Did I mention that it was 5,422 degrees outside, with 100% humidity and drizzling rain?

Remind me why sheep seemed like a good idea?


Now, for your listening pleasure, here is a blast from the past….. General Larry!

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