Godly Guardians

After work one evening, I decided to go on a quick hike down by the river. Gracie (my rescued Blue Heeler), Buck (my rescued Shepherd mix) and I hopped on the Gator and we headed out for a short adventure. As I whizzed past the sheep grazing along the lake, Holly (the Great Pyrenees), and her one year old son Beau (our resident guardian dog in training), decided to take a break from watching the sheep, and tag along.

Once I arrived at the river with my canine entourage, I decided that I would grab my pruning clippers and begin cutting a connector trail through the woods. I lost track of time as I concentrated on cutting vines, trimming low lying limbs, and moving small logs from the path where I would soon be able to ride my horse. The deeper I traveled into the forest, the darker it became, but I decided that I couldn’t stop until I finished the section I was on. When I finished, the sun barely was visible. The shadows of the enormous trees that had just been visible, suddenly converged together as a blanket of darkness fell over the forest. The new path that seemed so clear just moments before, seemed to disappear as I struggled to find my way back, by the fading light of my iPhone.

Coyotes, snakes, screeching owls, (even people that may be kayaking down the river), could be lurking in the shadows, but I smiled as I realized that I could lie down and sleep like a baby if I had to. You see, I knew that none of the dangers of the night could prevail against me because of who I had walking with me. Thousands of years of God given instincts kicked in as each dog assumed a primary role that they had been genetically appointed to do. Grace never left my heels, ever vigilant to fend off any foe who dared to come near. Buck sniffed out the trail in front of me, stopping periodically to make sure that I was following him, as he scouted out the trail that was now invisible to me. Holly and Beau were patrolling a wide perimeter around us, and although we could not see them, the GPS showed that they were investigating the area where the coyotes howls were coming from, protecting all three of us as we made our way back to safety.

Isn’t it amazing when God’s plan comes together? As Christians, we should be as relaxed in the midst of these dangerous times, as I was in the middle of a dark forest with coyotes howling in the distance. Just as God instilled the instincts of these faithful companions, and appointed them to protect me, the Lord has appointed angels to watch over all of His children. As we learn to trust our Master, we will soon realize that no matter how many ominous shadows surround us, we can rest, knowing that He controls both the darkness and the light. As long as we follow Him, He will illuminate our paths and deliver us safely to our final destination.

So take heart, followers of Christ! Walk forward in confidence knowing that although you can’t see them, you have angels that were appointed by your Father, surrounding you, keeping you safe as you traverse the dark and rocky paths of this world.

Psalm 91: 11-12 (NKJV)
For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways .In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.

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