God’s Plan

God's Plan

In December of 2017, God miraculously opened doors for us to purchase our “Cape Fear Farm”.  I was elated that God had answered our prayers, and that I would soon be riding my horse along the beautiful banks of the Cape Fear River.  On the map, it looked as if I would be able to trim out a riding trail with minimal effort. To say that I was wrong would be an understatement.

You can imagine my dismay when I realized that not only could I not ride my horse along the river, I could not even see the river in ninety percent of the places that I imagined would be part of my river trail.  The natural barrier of  briars, vines , and scrub brush was virtually impermeable. Without heavy equipment and a lot of hard work, riding along the river was not going to be possible.

To add insult to injury, shortly after we purchased the property, the river area flooded during a hurricane. “That’s just great. Now God sent a flood.” I thought. Maybe I was wrong?  Maybe this farm was not part of God’s plan?  It seems that so many bad things kept happening, and nothing was going as I had imagined that it would. 

After the flood waters receded, I decided to bite the bullet and go see what damage had been done. I stood speechless at the site before me.  I was ashamed of myself for ever doubting the power, and the sovrenty  of the God of the universe.  “Oh ye of little faith”, I though as I stood in awe of the power of God, and of the river in front of me.  The flood l waters had toppled large trees that rolled down the river. The force of the water and the debris, had torn down the small trees and brush that had obscured my view of the river. It also removed the dense vines, and even cut the thick briars off at the ground, just as neatly as if God had come down and cut them off with heavenly hedge trimmers.

Brothers and Sisters, we must trust in the Lord with all of our hearts! He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever imagine, regardless how depressing or impossible the situation before us appears.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that even if we can not see the future, we know that the beautiful river is just beyond the thorns.  Sometimes it takes a terrible storm to unexpectedly clear the way for God’s will to become evident to His children.

Romans 8:28 (KJV)

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 

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