Living Water

With all of this rain, I decided to check the spillway of the pond here at the house. As I walked closer to the dam, I noticed that the water was running over the bank in a couple of places, and the creek below the pond was barely trickling. As you can see in the top pictures, “helicopters” (seed pods) had accumulated in the spillway, blocking the flow of water, and ultimately causing the pond to overflow. To look at one of these pods, it’s amazing to think that it could ever stop the flow of water for an entire pond. However, one tiny seed becomes two, and then three, and soon, there are enough to shut down the flow of water to a decent sized body of water.

In the Bible, Jesus is referred to several times as “living water”. What little things in our lives “dam up” or hinder the blessings of the “living water” in our lives? Bitterness? Anger? A spirit of unforgiveness? Could it be that we have not spent enough time in prayer, or reading our Bibles? Have we been out of church for a while? Any of these things alone can cause problems, but when several things stack up, they can make a powerful barrier in our spiritual lives.

Personally, I plan to monitor both this spillway, and my daily walk with Christ a little more diligently. If there are any hindrances to the flow of water in the pond, or the flow of “living water” to my soul, I need to remove them to prevent potential problems. I challenge each of us to do what we can to keep the “living water” flowing in our lives.

  John 7:37-38 (NKJV) 37 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

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