A Perfect Ending To An Imperfect Day

We all have “those days” where we just feel defeated.  Maybe you planned to get several tasks “checked off”, and you end up accomplishing none of them…. Or a day that it seems one thing after another goes wrong….. A day where our feelings get hurt, or we feel unappreciated…. Or a day where we physically feel bad.

Well friends, God knows your heart.  He knows your struggles, and He reminds us in so many ways that He loves us.  This sunset is a perfect example.  No matter how bad your day has been, or what problems you are facing, how in the world, can you witness a sight like this and not be blessed? Every beautiful thing that you see, was put there by God to remind us that He loves us. 

So remember friends, we are going to have tough times, bad days, painful experiences, but God knows our struggles and we need to remember what we are told in the book of John:

John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
I pray that each of us will take the time to thank our Heavenly Father for His gifts today and every day. Isn’t it amazing that He loves us this much!?  
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